Clinevo rSDV – Live Remote Source Data Verification (rSDV) System Training and Certification Program

Event Name: Clinevo rSDV (Remote Source Data Verification) - Live Training & Certification Program Mode of Training: Online / Virtual This program is to enable experienced Centralized Monitors and Clinical Operations professionals across the globe to get trained on the most advanced rSDV solution in the market. Mainly focussing on Clinevo rSDV, which is one […]

Clinevo CTMS Live Training Program

This program enables Clinical Operations professionals across the globe to get trained on the latest / advanced CTMS software in the market. The program focuses on Clinevo CTMS, one of the fastest-growing CTMS platforms and most preferred by many CROs / sponsors globally for their Clinical Trials. This is a free live training and certification […]

Webinar & Live Training on Signal detection Platform

  Through this webinar, pharmacovigilance and drug safety professionals from all around the world can learn how to save up to 75% of the time and effort spent on signal management using an efficient and cost-effective signal identification solution. This webinar centres on Clinevo Signal Detection, which is the fastest-growing signal management solution available and […]